Generally Speaking
I still don't have the energy to do much of anything, even mental work, but I did manage to do my laundry during the week and even loaded the dishwasher once. Poor husband. Lucky for me he's such a brick, and tells me that I'm the one doing the work of growing the kid, so he's glad to do it. (He says.)
I'm certainly getting tired of being a slug, though. I don't feel overtly sick most of the time, I just feel nearly sick. It's still like I'm convalescing from something, and my belly always feels just a bit--off, I guess I'd say.
Last week I weighed myself on the sliding-beam scale in my office and found that I'd lost weight since the previous time, which worried me a little but I've seen enough references to it that I guess it's not that unusual. I think that will probably even out soon. I've been able to eat at least once a day each day this week.
My hair is growing like crazy, and so are my nails. Unless they really just grew gradually and I'm attributing it to the pregnancy. --But, no! Your metabolism does indeed speed up, so it would make sense.
We have an appointment to visit a midwife next week. I had to go through a lot of referrals and phone calls to find one, but she's associated with the Alternative Birthing Center. That's a big draw for me. I don't want pitocin, episiotomy, artificial membrane rupture, and so forth! No! Nonononono! ...And those things are a lot less likely with a midwife and in a birthing center than with an OB in a standard delivery setting.
If she doesn't seem to be what I want, I'll try the OB that one of my professors raves about. I don't know how insurance is going to take several practitioner initial visits, but there doesn't seem to be much choice if I want to check out more than one caregiver. I tried to schedule just a consultation, but they wouldn't do it. It's like you can't come in contact with any service without being hooked into the entire 9-month machine of someone's practice. I liken it to requiring me to commit to marriage before they're willing to go on a first date with me.
A friend of mine kindly drove out to visit me the other day (bringing a baby outfit and a mix CD). I tried to show how much belly I've grown, but she couldn't see it.
"Really! It's a lot bigger! See? I can't button my pants anymore!" I insisted.
"But I really just can't tell!" she pleaded. "It looks normal to me!"
(However, this is the same woman who refused to believe I wear a size 8 jeans (that large!) until I actually tried them on, and thereafter called me "Illusion-Body.")