
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bullet Points

1. Have been drinking more water as recommended by midwife; also added supplements of magnesium and more calcium as well as using preventative inhaler every night (rather than sparingly using it only when things are getting tight.) Also maintaining protein and salt intake as recommended for support of albumin in blood (keeps fluids inside blood vessels, so body doesn't try to overcompensate by raising blood pressure). I hope all of this this takes care of the big scary blood pressure reading next week.

2. Finally! Arranged self/baby/husband so that he could feel the kicking, too.

3. Reflections in large windows: who the heck is that?! It can't be me! Weird.

4. Feeling better physically, mentally; not needing many naps this week. Am gradually developing routine for days that seems to be leading to at least some work, and less procrastination / angst / funlessness / self-loathing. Noticed that when I'm at all tired, though, things seem hopeless. Therefore must not make any decisions or plans when tired.

5. Nap-ly weeks still seem to be followed by growth spurt of The Belly the subsequent week. It seems preternaturally large already, and this is only month 5!

6. Had baby shower from colleagues (early because many are moving.) Nice to see others, feel more motivated about work. Also got cute items.

7. Found a Once Upon a Child outlet. Yippee!

Now, must work.


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