
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

I had gotten some hints that I might get crepes in bed today, which I did. So nice to have a gourmet-cooking husband! However, I was surprised to also get a nice gift certificate for a nearby spa for some kind of 4 hour package thingy. (I suggested it would involve some kind of long and severe deep-tissue massage by large German women, but I don't think it does in reality.) Now I have to think of something really good to give him for Father's Day!

It's already 21 weeks. "Your baby is the size of a large banana." Where did the past five weeks go?

There is a lot of kicking now, which I can even feel from the outside. However, the baby always stops kicking whenever Daddy tries to feel the kicks, however patient he tries to be.

Well, eventually.

The heartburn has been a lot worse. I have to make sure that I eat long before bedtime or else I will be awoken in the middle of the night and kept awake for usually several hours.

We have gone to the birthing class twice now. Last time the instructor showed a video of a homebirth (in water). It looked ouchy but doable. The mother didn't even tear or anything, so there was no blood. I think TheLimey felt a bit anxious about all the noise she was making, but it's good to begin the exposure now.

Now I think of the baby as a girl, ever since the midwife appeared to have revealed that...it's a girl. Who knows! It'll be whatever it is. I haven't bought anything different or made any different preparations, at any rate. I still am not interested in getting frilly dresses. However, I do have somewhat different feelings, as I imagine I can identify more with girls, having been one. Therefore it's sort of like I have a deeper or more detailed image of what I think it will be like.

Nevertheless, a baby is a baby. It's going to use that German porcelain hedgehog-pattern teaset (from eBay, a couple years ago) either way, as Daddy and I read Wind in the Willows out loud and drink from our own grownup-size teacups.


  • Okay, now I believe that you're not just sticking your belly out.

    By Blogger argotnaut, at 8:56 PM  

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