
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Things I Forgot (TMI Post!)

Since about the time of implantation (as measured by sudden meat cravings), I definitely have had the increased nasal congestion, and also sundry small-to-medium nosebleeds. The congestion is akin to when I walk a block in cool weather--not enough to warrant a public nosewiping, but noticeable to my breathing. This is not a horrible symptom, except when it conspires with other symptoms to keep me awake in the middle of the night. (It gets worse then.)

Any one of them individually I could probably overlook and fall back asleep: hunger pangs, nausea (now greatly diminished, TG), being thirsty, needing to pee---but then top it all off with also having a stuffy nose, and there goes the possibility of rolling over and ignoring everything. Breathing through my mouth is too drying and uncomfortable. So the stuffy nose thing forces me to grudgingly get up and deal with all the other stuff, while I'm up blowing my nose.

I do have some constipation as promised in all the books, but it's just not something that bothers me terribly. I do eat a lot of my starches as whole grain (pasta, bread, cereal), and usually eat at least an apple daily. However, I still eat white bread or other processed foods when I feel like it. (Especially a nice Italian country loaf, toasted, with blackcurrant jam.)

I do have what is probably hemorrhoids, but again, I can tolerate that a heck of a lot better than nausea. I have further realized that the one time in my life when I will likely be glad to have a little rectal bleeding is during pregnancy, specifically because it's not vaginal bleeding. (See, I said it was going to be TMI!)

Oh yeah, also I have much darker pee than before. This became noticeable about the time I started feeling ill, so I'm guessing it's hormones as well as getting rid of an additional person's waste materials.

I didn't realize that I would already have 20% more blood volume right about now, which means my heart is working about 20% harder than before. I guess it makes sense that I have experienced a little dizziness in the past week or so upon exertion or standing up suddenly.

I've had a discussion with my husband about perinatal depression issues, and we are going to try to deal with it proactively. I want him to know the symptoms, and what helps and what makes it worse, because when I'm experiencing depressive symptoms I often don't realize it until afterwards (too late!) So I need him to watch my back. He plans to call my friends and family and gossip about me--no, I mean, make plans with them--to get me out of the house and so forth, which I think is a very nice plan. (There can be gossip, too. I don't really mind.)

Now, to go put on those maternity pants that cause people to stare openly at my ankles (back to wearing clothes that don't reach my extremities--it's like junior high all over!) and head to the clinic to try to finish that paperwork.


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