Apparently there are two responses, complexion-wise, to pregnancy.
One is the lovely, beautiful "glow" that people talk about, which just means that your skin is replenished with lots of lovely estrogens and so forth and so looks very creamy (if you're light-skinned), rosy, and nice. The other is that you will break out like crazy, which for some reason receives a lot less attention in the media.
Guess which one I'm turning out to have? That's right.
My skin and I have a long adversarial history in this respect. If anything happens, it breaks out. Stressed? Break out. Get off pill? Break out. Lose sleep? Break out.
The only thing that does not cause me to break out is chocolate, but then that's true of almost everyone. Chocolate has a long history of being unfairly maligned in this aspect, resulting in unnecessary torture for teenagers.
As it turns out, 33% of pregnant women crave chocolate. (Is that different than nonpregnant women?) In fact, the top three are chocolate, sweets in general, and citrus fruits/juice. The opposite seems to be occurring for me. I have been less interested in sweets and chocolate than usual.
I am not that big a chocolate person anyway. I know it's tantamount to treason to say so, but there it is. I have often gone along with people's oohing and aahing about chocolate just to be a good sport, like talking about winning-the-lottery fantasies when I don't even play. Don't get me wrong, I do like chocolate, it's just that I don't swoon over it as it seems so popular to do. If I can't have my specific kind of chocolate that I like (Green & Black's Organic Extra-Dark Milk), I might well take a pass on it.
Now, you may have heard that I ate a chocolate lava cake for breakfast Saturday. It is true. But if you know me you know that's not particularly weird for me even when unpreggered, anyway. (I eat what I feel like, when I feel like it, dangit!) Nevertheless, overall I would say the chocolate/sweets desires are less.
The meat craving continues unabated, however. I realized that it's not just baby tissues I'm building (it's only a millimeter or two long, after all), but my own. Did you know your uterus goes from 2 ounces to 40? I didn't. So that, and other protein-based structures are increasing as well.
One is the lovely, beautiful "glow" that people talk about, which just means that your skin is replenished with lots of lovely estrogens and so forth and so looks very creamy (if you're light-skinned), rosy, and nice. The other is that you will break out like crazy, which for some reason receives a lot less attention in the media.
Guess which one I'm turning out to have? That's right.
My skin and I have a long adversarial history in this respect. If anything happens, it breaks out. Stressed? Break out. Get off pill? Break out. Lose sleep? Break out.
The only thing that does not cause me to break out is chocolate, but then that's true of almost everyone. Chocolate has a long history of being unfairly maligned in this aspect, resulting in unnecessary torture for teenagers.
As it turns out, 33% of pregnant women crave chocolate. (Is that different than nonpregnant women?) In fact, the top three are chocolate, sweets in general, and citrus fruits/juice. The opposite seems to be occurring for me. I have been less interested in sweets and chocolate than usual.
I am not that big a chocolate person anyway. I know it's tantamount to treason to say so, but there it is. I have often gone along with people's oohing and aahing about chocolate just to be a good sport, like talking about winning-the-lottery fantasies when I don't even play. Don't get me wrong, I do like chocolate, it's just that I don't swoon over it as it seems so popular to do. If I can't have my specific kind of chocolate that I like (Green & Black's Organic Extra-Dark Milk), I might well take a pass on it.
Now, you may have heard that I ate a chocolate lava cake for breakfast Saturday. It is true. But if you know me you know that's not particularly weird for me even when unpreggered, anyway. (I eat what I feel like, when I feel like it, dangit!) Nevertheless, overall I would say the chocolate/sweets desires are less.
The meat craving continues unabated, however. I realized that it's not just baby tissues I'm building (it's only a millimeter or two long, after all), but my own. Did you know your uterus goes from 2 ounces to 40? I didn't. So that, and other protein-based structures are increasing as well.
Oh, phooey. I was wondering if that would happen. I already knew the answer, but was hoping that I was wrong.
Will be curious to see how you fare with asthma.
argotnaut, at 4:56 PM
It seems quite good so far, but then has been about a zillion times better since I left Construction Central, anyway.
Supposedly, 50% of asthmatic women fare about the same, 25% do worse, and 25% do better. (During pregnancy.)
liz, at 5:03 PM
I guess I didn't know about the uterine enlargement -- I knew it got, like, 100x larger (?), but assumed it was just stretching. And yawning.
argotnaut, at 1:06 AM
Yes, I think it's bored.
liz, at 2:24 PM
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